Treatments At Souparnika
Panchakarma Chikitsa
- Gives relief to backache,pain in the knees, Cervical spondylitis, numbness of hand and feet etc.
- Free from tension, headache and migrain.
- Removes impurities from body and provides health and longivity.
- Includes oil massage, steam , kizhi, shirodhara etc.
Hair Care Clinic
- Treatment for hairfall, dandruff, hair splitting.
- It is a special ayurvedic treatment and hundreds of people who had undergone this treatment are fully satisfied.
Ayurveda Slim Clinic
- Diet control, yoga, panchakarma treatment and ayurvedic medicines as prescribed by the doctor.
- Controls B. P, cholesterol and diabetes.
- For wellness, happiness ,longivity
- Reduces tension.
- Controls asthma,B P ,cholesterol, diabetes and obesity.
A well furnished Beauty Clinic
- Ayurvedic facial
- Ayurvedic pedicure
- Ayurvedic manicure